Our Values - Northgate Church

Our Values

Our Values make us who we are. These are the values that mirror who Jesus is, and the values upon which we are shaping the culture of Northgate Church. Read more about our values below.

Our Values

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Love and Grace

Honour and Respect

Love is the very essence of God and at the heart of Christianity. It is what defines us as followers of Jesus. In the bible, we are commanded to love God and our neighbour in the same way we love ourselves. We look to love being a guiding principle in our church community.

Coupled with love is grace. Grace is the term Christians use to describe God’s unconditional love for everyone, whether or not they have behaved as he wants them to because God’s love brings redemption. We aim to lead lives of grace forgiveness and forbearance.

Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means we treat each other in a different manner that the world so very often demonstrates. God wants us to build up and encourage each other wherever we are on our spiritual journey. Father God loves us with deep compassion and understanding and we want to reflect the heart of Father God.

Love and Grace

Love is the very essence of God and at the heart of Christianity. It is what defines us as followers of Jesus. In the bible, we are commanded to love God and our neighbour in the same way we love ourselves. We look to love being a guiding principle in our church community.

Honour and Respect

Coupled with love is grace. Grace is the term Christians use to describe God’s unconditional love for everyone, whether or not they have behaved as he wants them to because God’s love brings redemption. We aim to lead lives of grace forgiveness and forbearance.

Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means we treat each other in a different manner that the world so very often demonstrates. God wants us to build up and encourage each other wherever we are on our spiritual journey. Father God loves us with deep compassion and understanding and we want to reflect the heart of Father God.

Family and Community


Northgate Church has a healthy broad demographic. From a thriving children’s work, students, young families, older families and more senior people, we value the beautiful expression of family that encompasses all: whether they be single, married, parents, grandparents or facing the challenges of ongoing years. When we meet together, One of the hallmarks of the Northgate Church community is that it is very relaxed and informal. Northgate frequently utilises the café style in its meetings, whereby children are able to express themselves as much as anyone else.

Northgate Church believes its strength lies in community. This is expressed in both the Homegroups that operate through the city and its surrounds each week as well as collaborating with neighbourhood and local community groups. The church building is situated in the centre of Chester’s Garden Quarter and partakes in the local community life including other churches, schools and local projects.

The Bible starts off with Creation – creativity is God’s very essence. We recognise that being made in the image of God, our own creativity is something to be honoured and encouraged. This is expressed in Northgate Church though song writing, worship, creative writing and art. We hold a special creative worship service once a month along with song writing and creative days. We resource and promote the creative ministry to encompass all art forms.


Freedom and Responsibility

We are all part of the one body of Christ yet having different expressions. Following the changes wrought about by the years of Covid 19, we see that churches and community organisations achieve far more when we collaborate. Northgate is not precious to own anything for itself but will willingly collaborate and offer its resources to further the purposes and kingdom of God.

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Inclusive and Diverse

Kindness and Generosity

Father God is inclusive who does not marginalise or discriminate. Everyone has been created differently; we are all unique; each person has a different story that has shaped them; each has their own culture and identity. Northgate Church recognises this as we together journey in our spiritual development. We also recognise that each person has their own unique God-given talent. We positively encourage people to develop in their gifting and aim to make space for all to flourish.

Northgate Church Community is truly international with a significant proportion of its members from Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia. We aim to reflect this diversity in our meetings and Christian life together.

Kindness is a hallmark of a follower of Jesus, and not just to those we know around us, but also to anyone we come across. Kindness embraces people and they have the opportunity to be touched with the warmth of God. We have seen the powerful effects of random acts of kindness on people’s lives – especially when they can see that nothing is expected in return. What we do with our time and money reflect how we live out our Christian faith. Northgate Church has long been known for its generosity in its selfless giving. This has enabled us to sow into missions in the UK and around the world.

Contact us

We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call, email, or get in touch on social media.

Northgate Church, Upper Northgate Street, Chester, CH1 4EF

+44 1244 394670


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